Please post as comments your Problems or Questions you have in this post.

Ensure that the following are provided in your comment:

  • Your Problem / Question Categories (Who, What, Why, When, Where, How, General, etc)
  • Your Problem / Question Short Title
  • Describe your Problems / Questions in details if necessary
"Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers" - Anthony Robbins


Sam Chan said...

Category: Spiritual, Religion
Do you believe there is God?

Those that believe there is God, tell me why in your blog post.

For those who don't believe there is God, also please tell me your reasons in your blog post.

absolutelytrue said...

This is really interesting. I will check it out more tomorrow but I have not seen anything quite like this before.

Sam Chan said...

Hi AbsolutelyTrue,

I am glad that you like this idea. Hope to see you participating soon.

Anyway, please take note that this comment area is meant to post in PROBLEMS / QUESTIONS.

See the earlier comments for an idea.

That's put in
Category: category#1, category#2..
Short Question
Describe the Question in detail

Anonymous said...

Category: Health
What are the symptoms of a stroke? How can an observer know if someone needs immediate medical attention for stroke?

ruther said...

Category: Blogging 101
Short Question: What is a good traffic? Blog PR? Alexa?
Describe the Question in detail: Newbie here. I've been researching on how one can better get paid through their ranks (tack, traffic, alexa). Explanations were too technical for me. can anybody explain in layman's term what exactly is a good traffic? How does it benefit one blog? Thank You.

Anonymous said...

It is extremely interesting for me to read that article. Thanx for it. I like such topics and anything connected to them. I definitely want to read a bit more soon.

Best wishes
Timm Clade